Each Eco-Schools project follows the seven step framework, which includes for example a student-led Eco Committee, a comprehensive Environmental Review and an Eco Code followed by the whole school.
Eco-Schools 7 steps and criteria for awarding the Green Flag
Eco-Schools is a project-based programme. Each Eco-Schools project, lasting between 1-2 school years, follows the same seven step framework. After completing all the seven steps and filling the National criteria for awarding the Green Flag, the school may apply for the Green Flag certificate.
The Green Flag certificate is valid for 2 years from awarding: the school may renew the certification by completing another successful Eco-Schools project and applying for Green Flag renewal within that period.
Tools and resources:
Tools and guidelines for the seven steps:
- Environmental Review template
- Action Plan template
- Criteria for awarding the Green Flag (for International Schools in Finland)
- Report form
Further resources:
- Seven steps on the Eco-Schools global website
- Eco-Schools Themes on the Eco-Schools global website
- Lesson plans for teachers on the Eco-Schools global website
Eco-Schools 7 steps overview
Produced by Eco-Schools Malaysia / WWF Malaysia
7 steps video guides (playlist)
Produced by Eco-Schools England / Keep Britain Tidy